Need someone to recycle for me [PAY]
Thats my app, but i want to recycle the actors. because after while the app lags badly.
So i was thinking if i could get actors to spawn until there is enough to recycle.
I will hand over the project, and i will pay for someone who can do it for me, im struggling.
First tell me what you will do it for, and then i will decide who can fix it for me.
If someone is kind enough to make a full demo/video on how to recycle on a app like this (you can tell its not normal recycling)
I could really use your help GS.
and TSB has already said he might make a videp.
But spawning and destroying isn't very good.
You want to recycle.
But if anyone else knows then that would save him time.
1. First have an actor and name it Block. Give it a self.attribute like "selfID" and set it to integer. You need a global attribute as well like "BlockCount" and set it to integer.
2. Then you need to figure out how many blocks are gonna be shown on screen so you'll know how many actor will you need to place on the scene but outside of the screen camera.
3. Let's say for example you need 15 blocks actor, place them on the scene and change their individual selfID attributes one by one starting from 1-15. In this way you can track which block will you summon and place it inside the scene whenever you tap the summon blocks button.
4. Just watch the recycling demo in the youtube posted i think by utopian and you'll figure out how to move the blocks on the button when you tap it by comparing the global attribute block count to the blocks self attribute selfID number..
5. Now you need to have a rule on the block so that when its position.x is at outside of the bottom area of the screen it will revert back to its original position you place them.
Tip: Don't use gravity, in that type of game you could get away by just using change velocity or change linear velocity. recycling is a bit tricky if you have gravity on the scene.
This is just to give you an idea of how someone would do it (i'll probably approach it like this at firt try), as i know TSB might have a better way and understanding about this stuff.
It's a bit messy as im typing it in cloud and i dont have a mac in fornt of me right now but i hope you get a point or two.
Because when the actors recycle, the structure will collapse.
just be sure you have extra space at the bottom before you pull out the blocks and return to the original location so that the blocks wont look like floating.