Another lost soul :P

Hi, I am new here, just reading and watching tutorials and trying to get a feel for the place. Luckily, the community seems pretty lively which is great! 
I have yet to get a good idea of what can and cannot be done with gamesalad, I've seen many promision games and templates and I believe if I put a little effort I could make a game and publish it in some months. I already have an iphone developer account so that part is covered.
I have a basic question regarding which types of games can be done with game salad. I believe 3d games are not do-able, but I don't care because I don't want to make those kind of games.
But, could I do a game that is rpg-ish, with inventory, and a deep story? Could I make conversations between characters? Or even a conversational game, mostly text?
Anyway, I hope to be around here a lot and hopefully become a valuable and helpful member and make some friends.
By the way, I am from sunny Barcelona, Spain, so forgive my english

I have yet to get a good idea of what can and cannot be done with gamesalad, I've seen many promision games and templates and I believe if I put a little effort I could make a game and publish it in some months. I already have an iphone developer account so that part is covered.
I have a basic question regarding which types of games can be done with game salad. I believe 3d games are not do-able, but I don't care because I don't want to make those kind of games.
But, could I do a game that is rpg-ish, with inventory, and a deep story? Could I make conversations between characters? Or even a conversational game, mostly text?
Anyway, I hope to be around here a lot and hopefully become a valuable and helpful member and make some friends.
By the way, I am from sunny Barcelona, Spain, so forgive my english

an rpg could be done as long as you watch performance as you develop it. we dont have access to the keyboard yet, but its due out this spring
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An RPG would be relatively simple to do. It's mainly the management of variables
Some limitations are that games take a while to load, as do different scenes.
There's also the issue of performance if too many things are on-screen at once. And there's no 'garbage collection', so a destroyed actor will not reduce memory.
There are a number of techniques people that have been using the software for a while have come up with to get round these issues.
Mainly, using a 'generic' actor for lots of things helps with memory. Rather than have a 'start' button and a 'levels' button and an 'achievements' button, for example, on your menu screen, you'd make one generic actor and then unlock it in the scene and put the button specific code into it.
So you'd have three buttons, but all are the same actor, slightly modified.
Another technique is to recycle actors. If an enemy is destroyed, take it off-screen till it's needed again (for example).
Oh the whole, the software is very powerful if you know what you're doing. Take a little time to work through some of the free examples/templates and see what you can learn!
Good luck!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
GameSalad is really appropriated for small arcade games, especially physics games. I highly suggest to start in this direction.
Welcome here
So, will garbage collection and interaction with keyboard be implemented someday? Are the guys behind gamesalad active and working hard on it?