Need Help!!
Hey all. So, what I am trying to do is that the user moves their finger along the touchscreen and the dot moves along a little bit behind so they can see. But, I want the dot to stretch out, kind of like in a line, and as speed increases, it gets thinner, and as you slow down, it returns to normal. Finally, I need the previous drawings to disappear as time passes. For example, if I am moving my finger, and I keep going, after maybe 2 or 3 seconds, the line gets shorter from the back, and if you are stopped, you'll eventually get back to your normal sized dot again. Thanks a lot for your help guys!
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Everyone back off this thread, the Doctor is in and is ready to look at this guys project!
God Matt, this is the forums where people ask for free help, don't just go around asking people for their projects willy nilly.
I don't like to send files to people either
although you ask me once and I do