Change image of button when finger is pressing down
As the title explains, I want to make a game but I have run into an extremely small problem, but could make all the difference. I want when someones finger presses down on the button, I want it to change the image to a pushed-in button. I had it so in the button behaviors, when touch is pressed change image to the image. But when I added a change scene, as soon as the finger is down, it doesn't change the image, it goes right to the scene. I expected it to change the scene when the finger was up, how can I accomplish this effect I'm going for, please help.
or you could do a rule when touch is released and self.image = buttondown.png change scene.
use tendrmers first suggestion itll work perfect for u
When touch is released
change image
timer: after 1 or 2 secs
Change scene
Or what might be nicer maybe:
When touch is pressed
Change image
When touch is released
Change image --(back to its previous state)
Timer after 1 or 2 seconds
Change Scene
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
This is the rule you need.
When touch is pressed
--Change image to buttondown.png
--Timer After 0.5 seconds Run to Completion
----Change Scene
--Change image to buttonup.png
Your suggestion is change image on touch pressed and if it's held down longer than .5 sec then go to next scene, otherwise change image back + stay where you are, i.e the button not appearing to work.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain