Collide only with someY>someY question...
Hi, i need some advice with this.. I need to have a lots of block in my game with unique properities...
Here is one of this:
One block is hardest then others, if he fall on lighter block, he destroys him...So I need to know Y position of harder block and Y position of lighter block. I need to constrain them to global attributes and then make rule with it... I know this way, but isn't there any easiest way? Because in each level will be different quantity of each block and it can made problems...
Here is one of this:
One block is hardest then others, if he fall on lighter block, he destroys him...So I need to know Y position of harder block and Y position of lighter block. I need to constrain them to global attributes and then make rule with it... I know this way, but isn't there any easiest way? Because in each level will be different quantity of each block and it can made problems...