Timer Problem

ErayTErayT Member Posts: 8
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys, I need help.
Here is the problem;
There is an actor on the screen, and I want to move it into any other position on the screen; however, it has to be in every 5 seconds. I have added the attributes "move to" and "timer" to the actor. It moves onto its destination accurately but the attribute "timer" does not work although I have made the attribute as "every-5 seconds". When I say "after", there is no problem with process; however, the section "every" is unable. What is the problem? And here is the one more; Does the expression "random(min,max)" not work in the attribute "timer" because I could not do it. For instance, I do not wanna this timer in every 5 seconds. This thing I wanna do is that from 1 sec to 10 sec the timer should take a sec to do a movement. I hope it has been clear to understand my problem.


  • JeffreyShimaneJeffreyShimane Member Posts: 372
    Maybe try check the timer's run to completion checkbox. Also, if you are editing the prototype, make sure the instanced actor (the one placed in your scene) is locked so that changes made to the prototype will transfer over to the instance. Or if your timer is instanced and unlocked for a reason, make sure you are editing the instanced version, not the prototype.

    The random expression can be used for the timer's duration. Make sure you are selecting random from the expression bar (not typing it in manually).

    - Jeff
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