Simple iPad egg decorator
Hi Everyone,
I'm hoping that I can hire someone here to make my first app.
The concept is pretty simple.
1. The app will start with a blank egg.
2. The user can decorate the egg like a Ukrainian egg by dropping designs on it, little lines and stuff that you can drag on and it will drop into perspective around the egg. also change colors, etc.
3. When finished, the user can save the picture of their finished egg to the iPad photo library.
I'm not 100% sure that GameSalad is the right option here.
But you guys will be able to tell me pretty quick.
If it's possible, drop me a line, let me know how much you want, and we'll go from there.
Thanks everyone!
I'm hoping that I can hire someone here to make my first app.
The concept is pretty simple.
1. The app will start with a blank egg.
2. The user can decorate the egg like a Ukrainian egg by dropping designs on it, little lines and stuff that you can drag on and it will drop into perspective around the egg. also change colors, etc.
3. When finished, the user can save the picture of their finished egg to the iPad photo library.
I'm not 100% sure that GameSalad is the right option here.
But you guys will be able to tell me pretty quick.
If it's possible, drop me a line, let me know how much you want, and we'll go from there.
Thanks everyone!
My partner & I would love to work on your project for a great price
Thank You,
If you'd like we can also leave notes of what codes do what things so you can learn from it when we have finished developing.
second off gameslad has no 3d or z axis so you cant spin around the egg and drop in perspective around the egg how you want.
come one nextgen....
Thank You,
and yes he mentioned he wants to have the design drop to perspective AROUND the egg. So you can drop a image and munipultate it to go around the egg? regardless of how the egg is positoned and turned? dont think so
Can you please explain the purpose of a 2D picture being saved if you want the user to design a 3 Dimensional egg?
Okay, I get the confusion. the egg doesn't have to be 3d, but I want it to drop onto the 2D image of the egg and look professional with good perspective. If we can't save to the library, maybe we can make-do with a snapshot. is there no other way?
and the only way to take a picture in gamesald is with a snap shot . you cant take a actual piccture and save to the gallery with gamesalad
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I look forward to hearing more details about your project.
Thank You,
We Hope That Helps,