brick breaker question >?????

PhilipNewzealandPhilipNewzealand Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys, playing with the brick breaker code for a completely unrelated game.

Was wondering if any one had idea to make different bricks have several strength levels and changes image to signify it being broken????

Any clues people ?


  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    yes you can do that. Create a self attribute on the brick(s) called health. When the brick collides with the ball change attribute to

    Then make several rules in the brick(s) - When 85<<95 change image to ____

    When 75<<85 change image to ____

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  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    thats a weird way to have it next gen.

    you just give each on a self attribute (you can call it hit count) with its value set to 0, add one each time its hit,then base your damages and the damaged images off that.


    You want a brick that it takes damage the first and second hit, then gets destroyed the 3rd. You would have your 2 damaged brick images. and you would give it a self attribute called hit count

    make a rule in the brick when it collides with whatever your shooting at it, change self attribute hit count to hit count+1. So every time it gets hit it adds one to that

    Then have a rule when attribute hit count=1 change image to first damage image
    a rule when attribute hit count=2 change image to second damage image
    then one last rule when attribute hit count=3 destroy actor
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