Solid Color Actor or Individual Pictures?
I have a simple circle actor.
I want it to change to different colors, 7 in total.
In the interest of processor/resources is it best to create 7 different colored images and have an attribute with a rule that changes the image of the actor? OR, should I create a simple white circle actor that has an attribute with rules do 3-Change Attributes of the self.color.Red/Green/Blue?
I want it to change to different colors, 7 in total.
In the interest of processor/resources is it best to create 7 different colored images and have an attribute with a rule that changes the image of the actor? OR, should I create a simple white circle actor that has an attribute with rules do 3-Change Attributes of the self.color.Red/Green/Blue?
I wrote it between the time that you replied, but didn't hit post until after you replied. I'm watching the Dallas/Oklahoma City game and trying to program at the same time... I'm not a good multi-tasker.