Afraid people are being to nice? Want someone to Critique your game?
Need a second or third opinion about your game?
Not making enough sales but your friends tell you your game is the best.
Post a video or something here and i'll tell you what they won't say.
Not making enough sales but your friends tell you your game is the best.
Post a video or something here and i'll tell you what they won't say.
- A community forum for the love of games!
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Just kidding , i would love to have a Critique review for my games to make them better.
if you have an ipad i can send you a promo code.
I'll keep this topic in mind once my trailer is ready
i.e. it's just a game where you draw shapes, give up...
.. excellent thread idea...
Edit: explanation if you don't get what I'm on about: more than a few times in the past I've seen sub-standard - or even quite good graphics/games described as awesome. Always leaves me wondering what they call the real awesome games...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
- A community forum for the love of games!
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This forum is too nice
iTunes link:
EDIT: Fun... I forgot to write fun ;-)
I can see the pseudo conversation now:
ozBoyBrian: 'I like the green background, and the character has a nice personality'
ozBoyGordan: 'What .. you're crazy mate ... green looks like puke .... and the character looks like poop .... $2.99 %#$*** you got to be joking!'
This is the part of the forum where we berate each other, right?
It's true though. Peeps on this forum seem to be easily impressed or they just want to be polite and say 'yeah, looking great!' when they don't actually think that.
C'mon then Brian, become the forum voice of reason and tell the devs above what no one else will around here...!
I'm assuming you're not married?
No, really, I'm not just saying that. It's one cool mean looking fish!
- A community forum for the love of games!
Discuss game creation, tools, programs, chat in the live chat, add a personal top banner, write your own personal game blog and more!
.... hmm and yes, perhaps I missed the point in this thread - but then again, I get easily impressed when people create something by themselves. Just the fact that they make an effort (we all know how much work it is) - is great! And practice makes better
Keep on the good work, folks.
A forum for the love of games!
Discussions about game creations, blogs, free top banners for new members.
Since I noticed this I am more aware of what I write.
I also have seen sone good critique here. I got some too. But still a nice idea. (oops now IAm being nice)
Lump Apps and My Assets
this is the link to my first game.. a icopter clone
As the topic says, need honest feedback
can it be released as a free game?
Plz suggest a name too.
P.S the fish are courtesy of darren.
Needs a consistent art style. Death animations. Better typography.
you lost me on the consistent art style, plz elaborate