Piball paddles... need to rotate on edge not center??

jermerquajermerqua Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Okay so I have seen this discussed but have not found any answer or work around or creative expression so I thought I would throw it out there again.

I am working on a pinball game and as everyone knows pinball has paddles. Those paddles rotate from their edge not their center...

Is this possible? I know that it's currently "in the works as a revision to the application" but is there a work around? It's pivitol to my game. I just started to rough in the graphics and 3d work on all the game components and when i started to do a rough test I ran into this issue which stopped me dead in my tracks :-(


  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Currently, the registration point is only at the center of Actors...

    You'll need to create your flippers to be twice as wide as they are visually...

    So let's say your actual flipper is 100 pixels wide, visually.

    Your .png graphic needs to be 200 pixels wide. The left or right half of the graphic will be transparent. Your actor will be 200 pixels wide as well.

    Does that make sense?

    It's the only way to do it currently.
    You'll have to place your flippers creatively so the transparent part will never collide with the ball.
  • jermerquajermerqua Member Posts: 17
    Yeah that's what I was worried about. The "placing of the flippers creatively" is the hard part since there are so many active areas for the ball to hit.

    Here is another way I am tinkering with the behavior but discovered some buggy behavior.

    On key down I...
    rotate to (0 degrees) &
    Move to (50) relative to: Actor

    So I thought I will just move it up slightly as it rotates... problem solved. The only thing is that It moves WAY up, more then 50. Thing moves like crazy. I also tried moving relative to: scene and the same thing happens. Sometimes it moves correctly and others it shoots way up and out of the view area. Is there a known issue with "move to"??
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    If the invisible part of the flipper cannot be placed so it is out of the way you could have the paddle actor rotate for "looks only." Then you could have a separate actor that is invisible but is actually being controlled and collides with the ball. It could move up and rotate so that it approximates the movement of the visible part of the flipper. Maybe a rotate behavior and a move behavior. Never tried this. I would think that placing the flippers just right would be my first strategy.
  • jermerquajermerqua Member Posts: 17
    Thanks all. In the end I ended up using change attribute actor.Y -- Now when I rotate I also move the paddle UP at the same time. It's a little wonky but works for my purposes.

    I'm stoked to get this one up and everyone's eyes on it but want it to be just right first :-)
  • HairyMuffinManHairyMuffinMan Member Posts: 36
    ^^ and how this is done?
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