I saw a tutorial video I guess it was made by TSB about setting up a pause/play musis system. Could anyone do me a great favor pointing out the address of this video? Thanks a lot, Jose.
I made an example template a couple of weeks back. If you put 'sound slider example' into the new project search you can download it. It covers quite a bit of stuff and is labelled up.
hope it helps
edit. I am not sure what is happening but the download projects doesn't seem to be working correctly. It will work but sometimes brings up other projects
When the music finishes I want to change scene. What I did was to put a change scene after xxx seconds. Those seconds are the lengh of the music. However if I use pause, that won´t work. Is there a better way to do it?
I still don't know how to return to my initial scene after the music finishes by itself. I used a rule game.music = 0 go to the previous scene but that was not good.
hope it helps
edit. I am not sure what is happening but the download projects doesn't seem to be working correctly. It will work but sometimes brings up other projects
Any comments on that?
I still don't know how to return to my initial scene after the music finishes by itself. I used a rule game.music = 0 go to the previous scene but that was not good.