Question about pausing game

networnetwor Member Posts: 89
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, I want to make pause, but I won't use Pause behaviour...
So, I want to move actor "dimmer" from outer screen to game...No problem, but I need to do this:
If actor "dimmer" is in game screen and I touching on it, actors below that will no react..
How can I do this? I'm thinking about attribute "pause". And add to all other actor, that they rules will work only if attribute "pause"=false... But isn't there any easiest way?
Thanks for help.

EDIT: Sorry, wrong section. Please move it. Thanks.


  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    Why would you want to pause without using the pause behavior?

    The easiest way is to use the pause behavior. Not sure why you don't want to use it.
  • networnetwor Member Posts: 89
    I don't want to use it because loading time...
  • morphinegamingmachinemorphinegamingmachine Member, PRO Posts: 449
    did u ever figure it out? i have the same problem, i have projectiles firing at my character and the loading messes with my controls, as a player u never know when it will sudenly come back, i would rather have more loading on the upfront then every pause
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