Viewer on iPhone 4

GrubGamesGrubGames Member Posts: 77
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
How do I install the viewer on my iPhone? Can I simply do an adhoc version and throw it straight into my iTunes? Then download it onto my phone? Basically what is the best way to test my app on my phone?



  • youngster9youngster9 Member Posts: 326
    go to tshirtbooth just put up a video

    It is very simple. just download the viewer then open it in xcode, do some stuff in itunes connect then some stuff in xcode then release it to your device. The entire process will take about 20 minutes. Not to long or complicated. You will get all the details in the video. It should be the first video on the site. Also you need a iphone dev license.
  • kapserkapser Member Posts: 458
    Wow it was realeased yesterday... I did that yesterday with his old tutorial and it was hell, my bad for not checking gshelper everyday XD

    Thanks for the link, and TSB for updating tutorial. :)
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