GS Viewer 9.4 crashing

fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I'm working on an application for over a month, when testing everything works ok for 9.2 and 9.3 in both creator and viewer But when I update to 9.4 my app works in creator but crashes in viewer.
Most of new and more advanced rules are added in 9.4 creator , there are no blank rules etc.
There must be someting wrong with new viewer, and it reports a lot more ram usage than in previous versions.


  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Do you have any constraints to a self.attribute, that was my problem yesterday.
  • fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
    Only self.position x and y but not custom self attributes.
  • fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
    Anyway it's a viewer bug, and it's serious bug if it crashes the app.
  • IncrediboIncredibo Member Posts: 274
    same thing happening over here!
  • fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
    I think that the problem with crash may be the huge memory usage in 9.4, I just tested blank page with no graphics, only plain actor and controls rule and it consumes 25MB in ram. It's ridiculous. And when you put some graphics it moves to 70-80MB and more , so this must be the problem with crashes.
    By the way what is the safe memory usage for Ipad/Iphone3GS , they have 256MB of RAM, right?
  • fenix66fenix66 Member Posts: 59
    After a hard work I have found the problem, and the problem is more ridiculous than I have thought.

    this function crash viewer


    And to make it more funny, every spawn function in my app crash the viewer.
    What might be wrong?
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Not sure, it seems the viewer has got problems.

    I'm thinking it has to do with res independence, you using that? Whenever I have it check on and run the viewer on my device (3G) it crashes. However when I leave it off it doesn't crash until after a while, which is prolly due to the fact that the images are twice the size they should be and I just run out of memory.
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