ipod touch 2nd gen

ngergongergo Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Tech Support

The gamesalad should run same on iPod as on iPhone 4. Or not?
Looks like it's absolutely not the same. The timer starts not,
on GS version 0.93 the accelerator works not.

Is there hardware minimum? Or is it tested on ipod 2nd gen also?
(My ipod 2nd gen have iOS 4.2, so the OS minimums is ok)


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    It will work on 2nd gen devices similar to the the 3rd and 4th gen devices. The difference is the hardware of the device. the 2nd gen cannot handle some of the intense games like a 4th gen can. also every device will play the game a little differently because of the hardware and processing power on the device. If things are not working its is likely cause you have coded something the device cant really handle or you have graphics that are to much for the older device.
  • AmrEl-HagryAmrEl-Hagry Member Posts: 29
    You need to make a calibration option in your app. See this link about calibration.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    First of all that link is a year old. So please god no one bump it. Secondly that has nothing to do with a second gen device being supported.

    On thing I though of is make sure you are not checking ARMV7 only in the publishing options when you build an adhoc.
  • ngergongergo Member Posts: 3
    Hi, thanks the answers, but...
    If i would build the the gs viewer to arm7, than would be not installed to 2nd gen touch.
    I do nothing special, only start a timer by start of the scene. On iPhone it starts, on Touch not!
    The calibrating i will try.
    Sorry guys it's not my 1st app, only 1st try with gs.
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