Updating text

BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Regarding the following in the wiki which states:

`Note: Displaying text does take a little time to generate the graphics and process behaviors, so it is recommended that if you are displaying a ever changing actor like a stop watch, only have the Timer behavior update every tenth (0.1) of a second. Anything smaller may have varying results due to your machine's processor speed.`

I set my score to update every 0.5 seconds with a timer. However, the score seems to flash on every 0.5 seconds, then disappear. How can I fix that if I want to increase the performance of the game?


  • robzrobz Member Posts: 50
    You have probably put the display text inside the timer on the "after" setting. You need to create a game attribute and increment that with the timer. Then you can use display text to display the value of your new attribute.
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