level timer, HELP!
I need to know a good way of adding a level timer, which i can then re-show at the end of the level and save in a highscore system. I tried making a game.time attribute, but I couldn't figure out how to reset it (if it's possible, please let me know). Sorry if I've done anything stupid, this is my first ever forum post. Thanks.
New game boolean attribute, called Finish
Create a new actor called Clock
drag in a display text behavior.
Where it says hello World there a small "e" icon that has a dropdown.
Choose game.timer
Create a new rule within the same actor
IF game.finish is false
Drag in a Timer rule
Every 1 sec
Drag in a change attribute behavior in the timer
Game.timer TO Game.timer+1
What makes your level finish
Drag in a change attribute rule and change game.finish TO true