Performace issue on second playthrough

Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey there GS experts, question for you.

I have a situation where I run a level in my game, it works fine the first time through. After you lose and go to the game over screen, then hit the replay button, it goes back to the beginning of the level, but this time around it runs really poorly. Horrible frame rate.

I have two different levels but it only happens on one of them.

Has anyone seen this before? I'm hoping for some advice on things I can look for. Thanks very much!


  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    when it goes back to the beginning, does it reset scene using the behavior in gamesalad or have you sorted your own "reset" in game...if its the latter check for things that should have been reset but haven't perhaps, eg counters or something being constrained but isn't executing properly?
  • scribblstudiosscribblstudios Member Posts: 118
    Are you using the reset scene behavior?
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    I'm not using reset scene no, I'm resetting things manually. I'll make sure that I'm resetting everything, I suppose there could be a few things falling through the cracks. I'm not sure thats the issue because everything works correctly, it just performs badly. And there isn't really any information being stored.

    But thanks I will look into that.
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Sorry, duplicate post.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    so your reseting everything manually, so theres no scene change at all correct?

    If so it could be the memory building up and/or fps dropping

    what are the numbers like in the viewer?
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    No there is a scene change. I switch from the gameplay scene, to another scene where I show the scores and whatnot. The player then has the option to go back to the main menu or replay the level. They can hit the replay button, and it goes back to the scene with the slowdown issue.

    I was wondering if GS does have some kind of memory leak or fail to clear out its memory after each change scene. Has there ever been any discussion on that?

    I haven't had a look at it in the viewer yet.
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