getting so FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!

TJMNUTTJMNUT Member Posts: 236
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
alright I have it so that when you restart the scene there is an attribute reset that equals one when the reset button is pressed. This is linked to a series of Timers resetting, scores going to zero, and images changing images. Now I added a you win/you lose menu. it has two buttons, play again, and main menu. I have it so at the difficulty change scene (where play again brings you) and the main menu (where the main menu button brings you) there is an actor that loads the score and best score that are saved when either of the you win/you lose buttons are touched. Now when I got to the change difficulty and hit easy to enter the game, one of my actors is just completely gone! WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! please help, i'm so close to finishing my first ever app!


  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    You're going to have to explain that a LOT better. I have no idea what you're asking or what you're frustrated about...
  • TJMNUTTJMNUT Member Posts: 236
    First, is there a way to post a video that's not on youtube on the forum
  • TJMNUTTJMNUT Member Posts: 236
    Eh, too much work, I'll just explain. In my pause menu for my game, I don;'t want the reset button to reset because the music would reset, so I have a change scene. I have a batch of brownies that have attributes so that when an actor collides with it, it changes its image, the same thing with the watermelon. Now I have an attribute so called reset, so when reset button is pressed change attribute reset to one. Now in the watermelon and the brownie actor, when attribute game.reset=1change attribute game.brownie hitpoint to 0 and watermelon hitpoint to 1, changing the images to their original images. I have a timer so that when attribute reset=1 change attribute game.timer to 120, and score attribute to 0. That reset everything all fine and dandy. Now in the You Win Scene, there is Best score, and score. There are two different buttons, Main Menu, and Play Again, Play Again brings you to a menu that has easy, medium, hard, expert, main menu brings you to the main menu, I added a save attribute game.score and game.Best Score to both of the buttons. At the difficulty change menu, and the main menu, I have an off screen actor that has the load for each of the saves. But when I go to play my game, the watermelon completely disappeared.
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    erm are those actors in fixed positions or you spawn them? If there are interpolated from somewhere off the screen, during the reset did you also reset their positions?
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