Best way to set up a multiple level star scoring system?
Right I thought I better ask this now rather than creating 80 levels and then having to edit them all.
So my new game is basically going to follow the standard 3 star scoring system. Three stars are available on each level and whatever the player scores is saved and is then viewable on the level select menu. Whats the best way to go about this in terms of attributes and saving/loading attributes.
Does it make more sense to have 80 separate game atributes, each corresponding to a level? Or do I use a scene attribute for each level. (I think this might make things more complicated later on)
If anyone could let me know how they have set it up or if there is a nice template available that would be great!
Thanks as usual guys!
So my new game is basically going to follow the standard 3 star scoring system. Three stars are available on each level and whatever the player scores is saved and is then viewable on the level select menu. Whats the best way to go about this in terms of attributes and saving/loading attributes.
Does it make more sense to have 80 separate game atributes, each corresponding to a level? Or do I use a scene attribute for each level. (I think this might make things more complicated later on)
If anyone could let me know how they have set it up or if there is a nice template available that would be great!
Thanks as usual guys!
i made the scoring system fit into one scene and then just copy-pasted it to after each level.
i dont do it the same way as everyone else but it works great for me
I have an integer game.gameprogress attribute. When the player first starts the level it's at 1. When the player hit's the "start button" it changes to 2 and all the actors have a rule that when the game.gameprogress is 2 do behaviors...
When the player wins the level or dies the the game.gameprogress = 3 then the end of level behaviors begin.
I have game.level1score, game.level2score, game.level3score, etc...
When game.gameprogress = 3
RULE: (within this rule)
When game.score is >/= 1000
Change attribute game.level1score to 3
When game.score is > 500 AND < 1000
Change attribute game.level1score to 2
When game.score is > 0 AND < 500
Change attribute game.level1score to 1
(Outside of the 3 rules, but inside the 1st rule)
Save Attribute game.level1score to key: level1score
(Opening menu has Load Attribute behaviors; Load key: Level1score, etc).
In my level select scene I have 4 images, one with 1 star, one with 2 stars, and one with 3 stars and one with a "lock" on it. So, on that actor that selects level 1 I have a rule that when game.level1score is >/= 1000 change image to 3starimage.png, etc. etc.
That's the way I am doing it. This may not be the best way, but it certainly is getting the job done.
Good luck!
Is there a Template or a Demo on this for free
Sorry for bumping old threads. I have searched it and there are no results, have you got any more ideas.
Has anybody got any ideas.
I Really don't want to bump because i don't like doing it. But i really need an answer.
Any ideas guys
Just do as is said above, create an attribute for each level. Level1Stars, Level2Stars, etc.
I don't have Internet at the moment, just a bad phone signal so can't load it up, but isn't there a video tutorial for this a few posts up? Just watch that.
can you break it down and explain a bit more for me please. what to do
tshirtbooth, is there a template or a tutorial for this. It would be a great help if there is.
I will tell you what i need. Basically what happens in my game is an actor (actor) collects stars in a time limit. If they don't at the end of the level it comes up with a box saying how much stars they have collected. A bit like cut the rope.
Now can you explain with this principle please.
I could not find anything to do with this. I found like 30 other different projects though, which had nothing to do with what i wanted. Anything other ideas.
Why can't you help me.
Ok you said "All you need to do is have a game.level1stars attribute (index)" which i get.
Next bit i don't get "at the end of the level set game.level1 to 1,2 or 3 depending on what the player got" where do i put this, yes at the end of the level. But i have a timer counting down so i don't get that bit can you help me with this.
I don't get this bit either i have 3 stars so what do you mean icons and 4 images. "Then on all your icons that show the stars have 4 images"
rule if game.level1 = 0
display 0 star image
rule if game.level1 = 1
display 1 star image
rule if game.level1 = 2
display 2 star image
rule if game.level1 = 3
display 3 star image
This bit below i don't get either. Can you help me please a bit further.
Now a few things you will want to do is save the attribute and load it again at the start of the game.
also you will want to check to make sure that there new star score is better then there old star score before changing it.
Please help me