Problem..Problem..Problem..with Game Salad ...Why??

venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, i have more game to create...but Lately I have always some problem to create them, now i create a simple jump on another actor....more simple...but second actor move only left and right....when first actor collide second actor , second actor "restitution" 1 point....and first acto jump but for only the second collide don't jump! why???

i insert example:

Please help



  • venon_itvenon_it Member, PRO Posts: 594
    nobody can help me?
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Sorry for the slow response. So what the issue that is happening is that the second actor is constrained to a Y position. However, there is gravity acting on it. The linear velocity Y of that actor keeps growing, and the constrain Y position is just moving the actor back to that Y position every frame after its increasing Y velocity moves it down really quickly(so quickly that its not really seen because the constrain covers it up).
    If you give the black box actor an acceleration that is opposite of the gravity setting, you should probably see that linear velocity Y does not increase and your actor stays in a position that the ninja can hit and not fall through.
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