Hey guys ,
in this video :
The GS guy say that we cant use this feature in a new game but only on an update because we don't have the app id , but once you create a new game in iTunes connect your game DO get an app ID , so why cant we just use it in the initial release?
If they are then you can include it in the first release.
On the other hand if they are different you can link to the main game page and then let the user scroll to the review page. In this case the link is http://itunes.com/apps/developer/app just replace developer with the your name and app with the app name and it should redirect to the app page. Somewhere on the apple dev site there are all the rules for the iTunes links, you can also check this site: http://bjango.com/articles/ituneslinks/
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Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System
so i don't see any reason not to use app rating system in the initial release .
Thank you very much for sharing this info. I hope this will lead to many more good user reviews for GS games.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System