jump 'n' run game issue
i managed to make most of the basic game but ive got one problem.
when the actor hits the platform the gravity goes down to 0 but
even after he goes off the platform the gravity stays on 0.
i used the overlaps or collide rule cause there is now rule like "comes in contact" or something like that
after the actor falls off the platform the gravity will go back to 270
when the actor hits the platform the gravity goes down to 0 but
even after he goes off the platform the gravity stays on 0.
i used the overlaps or collide rule cause there is now rule like "comes in contact" or something like that
after the actor falls off the platform the gravity will go back to 270
You're better off putting an "Accelerate" 270degrees on the actor that is supposed to be effected by "gravity".
Hope this helps oyu.
when he hits the platform he just stops very slowly.
any other way?
look how after the character goes to 0 gravity on the platform it stays on 0
until i press to jump(changes gravity)
(character taken only for now from iconfinder)
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how to jump!
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