dont destroy and respawn it is not good for performance.. Just have a rule that when you touch the button switch alpha to 0 for the amount off time you want it to blink then back to 1.
dont destroy and respawn it is not good for performance.. Just have a rule that when you touch the button switch alpha to 0 for the amount off time you want it to blink then back to 1.
I made a timer after 0.5 seconds change color alpha to 0 and the after another 0.5 seconds change color alpha to 1 but it stops there how can I make it infinite blinks?
edit: sry double post
* "self.color.alpha"=1
* After 0.5 Seconds:
-Change Attribute: self.color.alpha to "0"
* "self.color.alpha"=0
-Change Attribute: self.color.alpha to "1"
This should help..
Change self.color.alpha to (self.time*X)%2
Change the value of X to control the speed.