Chances of sales picking up?

My app has been out for about a week now and the sales haven't been that great. Whenever anyone posts on the forums it always seems like they make the most in the first couple days of release and I was wondering if anyone has ever hit there peak later on. Basically i'm wondering if I should just give up on this one and worry about making my next one better. lol
Tadpole Rescue (iPod Touch/iPhone)
Tadpole Rescue (iPod Touch/iPhone)
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Tadpole Rescue (iPod Touch/iPhone)
Don't get down. Just keep on building and producing games, and one has to come. Take it from Tomas Edison...
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Thomas A. Edison
At least, thats what keeps me going.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Thanks for all the support.
No-one has found a consistently winning formula for promoting apps and getting great sales figures. Some great games don't sell; some useless apps do very well.
Apps are bought very differently to other products, and there is little opportunity to influence potential customers. Don't be disheartened. Keep developing and trying new things until you find what works for you ... And then let us all know so we can try it too!
I also agree with Octappus. You can produce a great/very good game ( mine latest game has all 5 and 4 stars ) but it doesn't mean it's going to sell well. If you enjoy/love making apps/games keep doing it and somewhere down the line I'm sure there will be some reward. That's what I keep telling myself.
Great video. I'll just not throw my Graphic Design company away.
Can someone tell me what Grossing means, I don't understand this term mentioned here since I am Dutch, or not yet smart enough
Lump Apps and My Assets
The term "grossing" is used for "total income" before deductions.
Let us know when you hit 9,999. I'd like to be there to cheer you on for your 10,000.
Good luck!
Lump Apps and My Assets
and the hard work it will take to fully catch up