Starting timer after scene 1

SamXOOO7SamXOOO7 Member Posts: 47
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
How can I get my timer to start in scene 2 instead of 1? Also could someone tell me how to display and save the end time on the last scene? Just wondering too, is there any possible way to scramble groups of scenes?


  • SamXOOO7SamXOOO7 Member Posts: 47
    I'm still a little confused and can't seem to get it right. Any chance you could give me a little more details i'm new to gamesalad. Right now I have just the "floor((floor( game.Time %3600)/60)/10)..floor((floor( game.Time %3600)/60)%10)..":"..floor(( game.Time %60)/10)..floor( game.Time %10)..":"..(floor( game.Time *10)%10)..floor(floor( game.Time *100)%10)" time attribute, nothing else.
  • SamXOOO7SamXOOO7 Member Posts: 47
    (Forget my second post^)
    Ok I tried doing that for the timer, but it still starts going in even in scene 1. Is there anything else I could try or explain how to follow those instructions a little better? Also just to be clear if you set it like that you can make it continue like that for multiple scenes not just that scene 2 correct?
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