Memory question

digitalduriandigitaldurian Member Posts: 15
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys my game is graphic heavy as it needs to look pretty. It's my highest priority. I've used as little prototype as I can and each scene has almost 20 instances, but only 2 or 3 sound FX. Still, I'm using an old iPod touch 2G and the memory used almost 50MB and frames at 15 fps minimum. I know it's bad so I've no choice but to forget about older gen customers.

However, I need to know how will it perform on newer gen devices? Is 50MB too much for newer gen devices as well? How will the fps be like compared to older gen? Btw my game size is around 10MB, and it isn't complete yet. But basically the remaining part is copying a scene a few times and add more graphics.


  • digitalduriandigitaldurian Member Posts: 15
    yea all my graphics are at 72DPI, but I didn't really follow the rules as in 128,256,512 etc. mostly close like 118 or 248. But I think it's necessary for me to use those sizes as I first designed my game in Photoshop in a 960x640 canvas. It looks great I can't sacrifice it for the memory. I even planned to do a iPad version so I need even larger images. I just need to know how will it be on newer gen devices as in 3GS and newer. Is 50MB too much? The images take up almost 30MB right now.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    well the image mem wont change on devices up to 3gs but it will be multiply by 3-4 times when you tick RI and load it on iPhone 4.
  • digitalduriandigitaldurian Member Posts: 15
    wait so you mean it'll be 90-120MB on iPhone 4? Will that affect the frame rate much? My game is just 2D but it seems like GS is making 2D games like a heavy 3D game. Like I need a PS3 to run pacman. Ironic.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    well logically speaking YES because Retina Display is actually x4 pixels not x2. I think theres a thread here somewhere that i post some test result in comparison of iPod and iPhone 4 graphics memory consumption. I'll try to Dig it up.
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