Animating after a collision (noob here)
Hello I'm working on my first game. I'm trying to have one actor kind of shrink/compress when another actor hits it. (think bouncing ball on a spring) I'd like the "spring" to compress when the ball hits it. I set up a rule that when spring collided with ball to play the compression animation but when the collision happens it just flashes an image of the animation. I'm sure I'm going about this entirely wrong. I'm trying to think how to tell gs "once the collision occur" where I think it's "when the collision occurs. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Make A rule: When Actor1 collides with Actor2 change game.collision to true
Make A rule: When game.collision = true, animate
-->When game.collision = true, animate
--->add a timer attribute
---->after 0.5 (change to whatever suits you)
----->change attribute game.collision = false
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