Image size question
I have 1811 frames of animation that total just over which currently brings my game to just over 24MB of Memory of information. But when i run Viewer on the IPAD and the game is playing, it says I am using 98MB of Memory. What can I do to reduce the size of this, and I am sure the each frame is in 72dpi. I am confused a bit.
If you can pull the memory down by loosing frames it helps... but I do understand...
hope that helps kipper
p.s. the other memory on top of your graphic is for the GS engine, sound, and those naughty pixies that live inside the iDevices and run around with your pictures and looking at your rules.
p.p.s quit the viewer between test to get a real reading as it builds up with each run.
Any chance of bringing down your fps, again as kipper suggested? If it's flat colo(u)r graphics you might even get away with 10fps or less...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Most animators I know shoot on '2s' for film and tv (cutting the work by half) ending up with 12, or 12.5 fps. The Anime guys push it often to 12 frames of one pic, a fade and a slow zoom, and avoid action as all costs. And as for old Scooby Doo... Long tracking shot to backs of heads, lots of shots of eye, reaction shots, buildings, and a walk cycle down a long tunnel side on with a new background each week, anything to cut costs and work.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain