Ferris wheel game issues
Im making a ferris wheel with four baskets that is supposed to start turning as soon as you have placed characters in all baskets. Now, im using constrain attributes with this formula on the baskets to make them rotate with the wheel:
`200*sin( self.Time *-30%360)+ game.wheelY` and `200*cos( self.Time *-30%360)+ game.wheelX`
The problem is that all the baskets stack up on top of each other on the wheel, they all have the same X, Y starting points when i run it. I have no clue about how to manipulate it so the baskets stays on their intended positions. Does anyone have an idea about how to fix it?
Im making a ferris wheel with four baskets that is supposed to start turning as soon as you have placed characters in all baskets. Now, im using constrain attributes with this formula on the baskets to make them rotate with the wheel:
`200*sin( self.Time *-30%360)+ game.wheelY` and `200*cos( self.Time *-30%360)+ game.wheelX`
The problem is that all the baskets stack up on top of each other on the wheel, they all have the same X, Y starting points when i run it. I have no clue about how to manipulate it so the baskets stays on their intended positions. Does anyone have an idea about how to fix it?
If bucket 1 starts at -30, the other buckets need to be set at:
bucket 2 = 60
bucket 3 = 150
bucket 5 = 240
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