Bounce after smashing the enemy

GallardoGallardo Member Posts: 10
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
What rule can I create which will make the player bounce up when he smashes an enemy? I want to give room to change the enemy sprite to that of a smashed one. Here is an example of what I want to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Just interpolate his self.position x to whatever you need for however high you want him to go. Just make it dependent on the rule firing when he jumps on your enemy (overlaps/collides with) or you could acclerate or change velocity, whichever.
  • GallardoGallardo Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the quick response bluebyu25. Do you mean interpolate self.position y? I do not have a (overlaps/collides with) rule in my player which kills the enemy. I have:

    Global boolean called jumpkill

    If player.motion.linear.Y is less then -1
    Change attribute game.jumpkill to true
    Change attribute game.jumpkill to false

    If actor collides with player
    If game.jumpkill is true

    Thanks to BrynjeBamsen, this allows my player to kill the enemy only when I hit the enemy from the head.
    But now how do I make player bounce up when I kill enemy?
  • scribblstudiosscribblstudios Member Posts: 118
    Use, when collides with enemy, change attribute self motion linear velocity y to 150 (the jump speed).
    However make sure your actor also has some sort of gravity, otherwise you'll just keep moving up.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Yes I did mean Y whuups!
  • GallardoGallardo Member Posts: 10
    Thank you for your contributions bluebyu25 and scibblestudios, I appreciate your help.

    The reason that I am avoiding "collides with enemy" is that I want to destroy the enemy only when I hit his head and not when I run into him. Running into the enemy is also considered a collision. Establishing this specific preference, I am trying to create a rule which creates the bounce only after I have fallen on top of the enemy.

    To satisfy my preference for how to destroy the enemy I would like to maintain the stated rules I have for the player and the enemy. How can I add the bounce to the player which is caused by destroying the enemy while maintaining these stated rules?

    This is a tough one.
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