Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge Update: Judges revealed, international entries

CobraCobra Member Posts: 160
edited November -1 in News from the Dev Team
We've confirmed all three judges for the Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge. They are:

Jason Citron - CEO and Founder, Aurora Feint
Omaha Sternberg - Host and Producer, iGames Radio
Zachary Waibel - CEO and Founder, Tricky Software

We've also decided to open up the GameSalad Challenge internationally!

Residents of countries other than the United States may submit game entries as "Exhibitors." These entries will not be competing for prizes, as we are unfortunately not able to offer these prizes outside the United States, but the Exhibitor option allows our international users to benefit from the publicity surrounding the Challenge. A number of Exhibitors will be selected for special recognition on and will also be recognized during the awards ceremony on the Macworld 2010 expo floor.

If you have questions about international participation in the Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge, please ask away -- it may help us clarify the language on our site.


  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Great news. I hope to get my games finished before the deadline.
  • scorelessmusicscorelessmusic Member Posts: 565
    Thanks for opening it up! :)
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    Great news! Thanks!

    "International entries will not be competing for prizes": who need prizes if you can have glory ;-)
    (*cough* but the pro membership would be easy to set up for us internationals *cough* we could make a big poll between the US winner and the glorious international winner games to decide the Grand Pro Winner *cough*)
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    ok, so US winners get an ipod and a pro membership and international winners do not!
    Hardly fair - Don't think I will be rushing my game for this then!
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    As I understood us Internationals won't get prices but will be featured (if you win) at their stand at Macworld Expo.

    And that is sure a great indirect prize: publicity.

    If I'm able to get my game finished I'm sure to participate.
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Well here in the UK, I would happily submit my game if it had the possibility of being featured at Gamesalad's stand at Macworld this year. Can an official GS or Macworld person confirm this please? Or make it clear what will happen for International enteries. Thanks.
  • ZillaZilla Member Posts: 157

    Thank you very much from Switzerland :)

    I would have liked the pro membership but I can live with worldwide publicity ;)
  • CobraCobra Member Posts: 160
    Yes. :) Several international "Exhibitor" games will be chosen for special recognition on the site as well as on the Macworld 2010 expo floor.
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Thats great! Sorry I can't believe I missed it above, sorry, one of those day I guess. Thanks.

    Sorry more questions.

    Will those international entries who are getting featured receive any conformation on the 29th like the finalists?

    Will the international entries be voted on as well?

    Can international entries become finalists? Or are we a separate bunch? :)

  • ZillaZilla Member Posts: 157
    I wanted to submit a game as an "international entry" or an "exhibitor". How can I do that?
  • ZillaZilla Member Posts: 157
    [EDIT] The entry form is working now :))) [/EDIT]
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Any ideas on how many entries there are so far? How many people are still cramming in before the closing?

    I'm working hard on finishing my two games under wraps right now.
  • CobraCobra Member Posts: 160
    Under the "Games" tab up top, select "Web Games" and on that page choose "Macworld Challenge," and you'll see who has submitted so far.

    Of course many participants are waiting until the last minute to submit (the deadline is January 25), so without being too specific I think it's safe to say that number will increase dramatically over the next few days.

    Several international games will be selected for special mention, and their creators notified by January 29. Those games will appear prominently on and the public will be able to vote for their favorite. Those games will also be featured at Macworld, and the results of the voting announced there.

    We've been shying away from the term "Finalist" for international games since they will not be competing for prizes, but otherwise it's the same deal. Does that answer your questions?
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    That great Cobra, thanks! Thats all. :)
  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410
    Sounds good to me.
    A busy time for the next few days.
    Cheers :)
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    I don't know if it was posted elsewhere (I didn't find it) but exactly at what time is the deadline?

    Could someone provide an official time and specify for which time zone you intend it?
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    I found it hidden(?) on the GameSalad blog...

    `The deadline to submit games for the Macworld 2010 GameSalad Challenge is fast approaching: Monday, January 25 at 11:59pm PST. Don’t forget to submit your game by January 25 for a shot at a Macworld 2010 Platinum Pass, a GameSalad Pro Membership, and an Apple iPod Touch!`
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    So, that's a -8.00 to GMT. That means that a UK user has until tuesday, january 25 at 07:59 and that a central Europe user (like me) has until tuesday, january 25 at 08:59.

    Is that right?
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    I understand it that they are 8 hours behind us here in the uk so the deadline for us is 26th jan 7.59am
  • shaihaludshaihalud Member Posts: 34
    Once we submit our game to the Macworld Challenge, may we update it? I am not going to make any gameplay or level changes, I am just waiting on some music from my composer which should get to me by tonight. The game already has music, and is already submitted, I just wanted to toss in a few more tracks.

    the cat rides the astrobus
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886

    I have just finished my game and I really want to submit it but its 25mb

    Is there anyway I can still submit it please?

    I can upload it to a website, email it or anything....

    Any help is greatly appreciated

  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Wow, and I thought nearly going over the 10MB with my submission was a lot...

    I know you probably won't be able to half the size of your game, but in the meantime, have you checked all your images to see if they don't have any extra space around it? If you have large sprites that might not be used often or are part of a background, have you considered dropping it to half that and stretching it out?

    How about music? Do all your sound effects need to be in stereo? 48KHz? 192-bit? You'd be surprised how good it can still sound at 44KHz, 96-bit, especially when they're a lot going on.

    Also, check your .guser file that Micah reported in another thread. There could be a build-up of wasted data in the XML file.

    Hope that helps out, and good luck with your entry!
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    It's a top down shooter that has a few background graphics... I don't want to scrap if I don't have to...

    The video is a bit jumpy but it gives you an idea.
  • CobraCobra Member Posts: 160
    Don't scrap it! Try the following:

    - Make sure there are no unused assets in your project.
    - Check that the pixel dimensions of your images are no larger than necessary.
    - Optimize your images and sounds.

    If these optimizations don't put your game under 10MB, you can also consider creating a simplified version of your game for the contest (for example by reducing the number of levels).
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198
    Also, once you are done doing that, also try a nice hack that user @micah found.

    Lastly, remember that your web game doesn't have to be the same thing you will submit to the iPhone app store. You can also try cutting down the number of levels, or making a "demo" or "lite" version of the game for the contest.
  • CobraCobra Member Posts: 160
    You can also try this to save a couple MB:

    Right-click (or control-click) the project file and select "Show Package Contents." Inside you'll find a file ending in ".gsuser". This file contains settings like notes, which rules are collapsed or expanded, and so on -- it does not affect your actual game in any way, so you can safely delete it before publishing.

    The .gsuser file is omitted when you publish to the iPhone, but it's not quite so simple when publishing to the Web since the file is useful for template sharing. We're tossing around some ideas to improve this. In the meantime, you can try the above workaround to help trim your web game down to size.
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    Can we update our game after the deadline has passed?
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    Lots of great submissions. Congrats on the great results and kudos for all the effort folks!
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