Update Spawn Location
I am using ORBZ's trajectory demo, and it works great. My question was: If I turned the gun into my character, and then when I let go instead of firing a blue orb, it would move the character itself, how would I modify the rules so that the dots still spawn where the characters X and Y is, not from (0,0). I think it is under the Gun how it spawns the points, but I am not totally sure. Thanks for the help guys.
Can someone more knowledgable help this guy? It's kinda making me sad that this great community isn't helping him.
And here is what I am trying to accomplish: http://tinypic.com/r/2qav78k/7
if (condition is true)
Change attribute SpawnX to self.position.x
Change attribute SpawnY to self.position.y
That makes it so that when he respawns he'll respawn at that place.
I don't know how to set it up so that he actually respawns immediately
Also, how do you edit posts/post titles?