reset correct scene help

mnemicmnemic Member Posts: 49
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
how do you reset game but only to the game scene not the splash screen?


  • FangFang Member Posts: 33
    Real quick guessing here: can't you use the change scene behavior for that? (and optionally some change attribute behaviors to reset any attributes that need resetting)
  • mnemicmnemic Member Posts: 49
    when you die in the game you will get the startover screen... i have a couple of options on it, return to menu and restart game.

    what i did was when touch is pressed on (restart game) change scene to scene1 (which takes you back to the start game) but when it does i can't click on anything, nothing works.

    so what i did was drag (reset game) in the rule (which works fine) but it resets to the splash screen.

    i don't want it to reset to the splash screen i want it to reset to the home scene.

    what attribute only loads the game NOT the splash scene?

  • mnemicmnemic Member Posts: 49
    need help please
  • FangFang Member Posts: 33
    Sorry, I have no idea why scene1 doesn't work after you change back to it. Is it possible that your startover-screen is still there, albeit missing the button elements?
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