Disapearing background

RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
in my game, when the character dies, its programmed to reset scene. this works fine on level one but one level two, the background image disapeared! when i died again, it reapeared. it only disapears on the second time. i then tried an experiment. i told the character to go forward as soon as the game started and hit the play button, not the preview button. the character crashed into the enemy, died and then respawned but the background was fine. I hit preview and still the same problem. why is this happening to me! By the way, the background has no programming.


  • MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181
    I had a situation where things weren't appearing properly. Do you have your BG layer on a scrollable layer? My problem was my objects accidentally got placed in a non-scrollable layer and wouldn't appear in the game right.

    but that's just a thought.
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    That happens to me all the time, but not this time!

    Thanks for the quick response though.
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    I fixed! I just used two backgrounds and when one disapeared, the other one was visible
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