I don't understand why my app gets 0-1 downloads a day

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my game? For some reason it only gets 0 downloads a day, if i'm lucky it will get 1 download. Currently it is priced at $0.99.
App: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/go-go-bananas/id437829119?mt=8
App: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/go-go-bananas/id437829119?mt=8
3 of your 4 screenshots are not displaying actual gameplay. That's ridiculous! Also, it's probably on the marketing side. I happen to be learning about ways to "save" apps. You might want to look into this - http://www.appbackr.com/
The artwork is very dull in my opinion, and the Game Concept in general sounds like 10,000 other games so There is really no way unless I was dead set on a monkey theme I would pay for something like this.
Now for the good news. Your not alone. A majority of apps get 0 sales per day, usually from similar reasons.
Dont get hung up on this one and just learn from it and apply what you learned from this one to your next Game.
Good luck.
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
who would buy such abomination? sorry, nothing personal
i would also like to mention as i forgot to add this. i checked out all your apps on app annie. you have 16 which is alot i give you that. But not one of them is worth paying for ever!. work on one decent game would be a start. i even saw one of your apps which was just the car race demo on game salad and guess what your charging 60p for it lol. crazy stuff mate.
btw, i'm only 14 so i'm still learning.
Thank You!
Let's keep it civil, eh?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
BTW. I really loose a little respect for someone when they blame the quality of their work on their age. You should really keep that in mind in the future. not just with Game Development either. People will have a lot more respect for the work you do at your age when you can take responsibly of the work you do with out excuses.