How accelerate with gravity

brettrbrettr Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have gravity for my scene set to 200. I have accelerate on mouse down for actor set at 200 (in actor behaviors). This is an iPhone project. When I run the game, the actor falls even when I am clicking on it.

I'd like the actor to get a small boost up once I click it. Then gravity takes over and starts pulling the actor back down. What am I doing wrong?


  • KrakenCMTKrakenCMT Member Posts: 22
    You're not going to get your actor to move upwards with an acceleration that's only equal to the gravity of the scene. The acceleration on the actor needs to exceed the gravity setting in order to move up anywhere. So if your gravity is set to 200, then if add a rule to your character to jump when the spacebar is pressed, for example, then the acceleration for the jump needs to be something like 300 or more in the opposing direction to be a noticeable jump.
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