bundle identifier differs from reserved bundle identifier
Could someone explain to me in DETAIL, step by step, how to solve this?
I read many posts, and no success. I made many zip files with different bundle id's, and SKU's, and I don't understand anything anymore.
Why is this so difficult !!!
I deleted previous versions, and I'm running out of names for my app, since now it doesn't allow me to use those. Is there a way to recover names?
I also get this other error:
application failed codesign verification the signature was invalid or it was not signed with the Apple submission certificate.
Could someone explain to me in DETAIL, step by step, how to solve this?
I read many posts, and no success. I made many zip files with different bundle id's, and SKU's, and I don't understand anything anymore.
Why is this so difficult !!!
I deleted previous versions, and I'm running out of names for my app, since now it doesn't allow me to use those. Is there a way to recover names?
I also get this other error:
application failed codesign verification the signature was invalid or it was not signed with the Apple submission certificate.
I've tried with a couple of provisioning profiles, I made sure to have the same name, but I deleted everything to start all over again. But still get either one error or the other. Could you do a step by step sequence please?
In the iOS provisioning portal go to Provisioning> Distribution> then on the right hand side in blue text, click EDIT (opposite the provisioning profile you want to work with.) and select MODIFY
Opposite App ID in a menu select the correct file name from this menu.
Then do all the usual stuff you have been doing when trying to publish, download the mobileprovision file etc.
EDIT: I would delete all the old stuff you were working with too. In the Gamesalad publishing menu: the profile closest to the top of the list is the most recent (just incase you have multiple attempts like I did).
Hope this helps!
1) I finished my game, so I want to publish it to the App Store
2) In the provisioning website, I add devices if I don't have them already.
3) I create an App ID (in provisioning website)
- Bundle Identifier (App ID Suffix)
Example: com.domainname.appnameTEST1
- I see it adds the Bundle Seed ID + Bundle Identifier automatically.
I never put the Bundle ID.
4) I create a distribution provisioning profile
5) download it, and double click to install in xCode
6) Search for plist, and in Bundle identifier put only
7) still in xCode, make sure the top left drop menu says "Device & Release", and not "Simulator & Debug".
8) still in xCode double click on "GameSalad Viewer", select Build Tab, search for "code", & in Any IOS, select: the iPhone Distribution we just created. SAVE ALL
9) still in xCode: When I click on run and build, I get an error "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"
10) in iTunes Connect, I see my App, status "Waiting for Upload"
SKU com.domainname.appnameTEST2
Bundle ID com.domainname.appnameTEST1
NOTICE, the bundle ID in the provisioning & in iTunes is the same TEST1.
but the SKU, says TEST2.
1) "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"
2) "application failed codesign verification the signature was invalid or it was not signed with the Apple submission certificate."
3) "bundle identifier differs from reserved bundle identifier"
I'm going crazy !!!
quiero enviar la app a AppStore.
En la appStore pone "waiting for upload"
Pero siempre tengo un conflicto con "Application Loader".
En mis pasos, que hago mal?
En iTunes Conect, pone esto:
SKU com.beeanz.superfati3g
Bundle ID com.beeanz.superfat3g
I en .plist
Bundle identifier com.beeanz.superfat3g
Que mas tengo que revisar?
Gracias por adelantado
P.S. I also tried what LuckyLurcher proposed, to edit the provisioning, but didn't work for me. Probably, what should be the next step to follow?
In GameSalad Viewer xCode, I get an error. "Build failed".
in iTunes connect the bundle id is com.beeanz.superfat3g, "waiting for upload".
I tried to change it to match:
Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'SuperFat3gDistributionProvisioningProfile' specifies the Application Identifier 'com.beeanz.superfat3g' which doesn't match the current setting 'com.beeanz.superfat3gv1'
then, I changed it to match
Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'superfat3gv1' specifies the Application Identifier 'com.beeanz.superfat3gv1' which doesn't match the current setting 'com.beeanz.superfat3g'
In my info.plist says "com.beeanz.superfat3g", so I don't understand
I've modified it in the provisioning portal, download it,
How do I make them match?
I'm trying to create a new one with this name superfat3g but doesn't allow me. it says it already exists.
What am I doing wrong?
it's been 3 days trying to upload an app this is unbelievable.
put me on your contact list and this afternoon I can help you upload your application.
I managed to make it work, thanks a lot guys for all your help.
I edited like LuckyLurcher proposed, and tested, many times, until I managed, to get it working.
I think the error was because I had selected in xCode Release instead of Debug. Which made sense to me, but it worked for me this way.