Weird GameSalad Bug...Game Suddenly Doesn't Work

osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey guys,

This is so strange. I am working on a project that I am just about finished with when I encountered this strange bug. In my game, I had a slider switch that was controlling the sound. Because it wasn't working properly, I decided to remove it and replace it with basic sound on/off buttons. I made the change, and now when I preview my project, almost nothing works! The sound doesn't start playing, and I'm not able to tap any buttons AT ALL within the game. I'm not quite sure how else to describe this bug, but almost nothing in my game is working now. If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE let me know. Your help is always appreciated.

- Alex


  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    Definitely sounds like a user error rather than a bug. I know you've probably been over it several times but it's most likely to have been caused by a mis-used/ missing attribute somewhere so I'd have a look for that. Did you save an old back up?
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    @RH: Thanks for your reply. I have looked over the project for attribute errors, but the weird thing is I can even tap a button that worked fine prior to this even though that button has no relationship with the sound buttons. Buttons that open links don't work, buttons that fire GameCenter actions such as Login don't work. I just can't figure out how changing some sound on/off buttons could have this big of an impact. I do have a backup of the project, but it would require a full days work to bring it back to where the current project version is at right now.

    - Alex
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