If you are using an actor dedicated to spawing, you can use constrain attribute. Create a game attribute called actorX.
In the main actor: Constrain attribute game.actorX to self.position.X
In the spawning actor: If game.actorX = 200, spawn actor
If you want the main actor to do the spawning, you could bypass creating a game attribute and using constrain attribute and just do something like this:
In the main actor: If self.position.X = 200, spawn actor
In the main actor:
Constrain attribute game.actorX to self.position.X
In the spawning actor:
If game.actorX = 200, spawn actor
If you want the main actor to do the spawning, you could bypass creating a game attribute and using constrain attribute and just do something like this:
In the main actor:
If self.position.X = 200, spawn actor
- Jeff