Joshua's TOBT3 Thread...

Reserving me a spot of glory in halls of Gamesalad's forums....
Will update this soon with my thoughts and ideas as this contest unfolds.
Will update this soon with my thoughts and ideas as this contest unfolds.
cheers and good luck
The fish are the best to sleep with. Wriggly....
Don't listen to him... He's trying to sabotage you.
Can't wait to see what comes!
*Maliciously studying the competition* ...just kidding
My idea involves pirates, the high seas, and the legendary Cthulhu. That is all for now. I am going to sleep off this headache and continue prototyping tomm. The art will have to wait aside from a few sketches until I can return home to my beloved tablet.
Hopefully I can get a title screen and some previews up before too long. Dont want this thread getting stale like yesterdays bread.