JamieOneil | TOTB3 thread!
I will be posting update on my app here.
Better start thinking about..The Ocean..
Currently I am thinking about doing something underwater.
Not sure if you will play as a submarine, or a Diver. Etc
Then have enemys coming at you, but not just normal enemy's...
GOOD LUCK TO ALL, may the best app win
I'll leave it at that for now.
Better start thinking about..The Ocean..
Currently I am thinking about doing something underwater.
Not sure if you will play as a submarine, or a Diver. Etc
Then have enemys coming at you, but not just normal enemy's...
GOOD LUCK TO ALL, may the best app win

I'll leave it at that for now.
Im going to get sketching!
But i may change it later on.
Not me... But, just saying... Ya know.
Here is the story..
You have gone into the deep sea in a submarine, but it has been taken over by a villain, there are evil and robotic sharks and explosive fish everywhere.
You can customise you submarine with weapons etc.
You must destroy as many enemy's as possible and get as far as you can through the ocean!
That's the main story that i will post for now.
But im for to bed, and tomorrow i am going to get a few more graphics done, and get started on the animation and submarine movement.
I have also made a quick mock-up of what the menu will be on Photoshop. I must say i really like the idea of what it will be.
But i am not going to say anything about it yet :•)
I am think about how the control will work, just up + down.
Joystick control, 4 button control< Most likely.
Tomorrow i hope to put everything into action.
Main objective -
Main background for in-game.
Can't wait to see how everyone's idea's are coming on and what the end product is!
But in the final game you will be able to customise and attach weapons to it.
Menu Log -
I have been working on the menu a lot, thinking of a good idea for it. All i really need to do now it a bit of animation on the water and clouds, and make better water for it to be finished.
I hope to post a screenshot soon.
Lenny the criminal has stealing gold. He is on the run from the fish police! He has been nicknamed the "Wet Bandit"
Tomorrow I hope to finish the background.
Get the main character and the fish police done!
I'm doing an effect on this that I have not done before.
Im going to tell you about it bit no-body steal it;)
By thins will have a cardboard texture on them, an the player will get hanging on string.
When it's put together it will make more sence.
Tomorrow I will post my first sketches on this idea, and possible the background to let you see the effect.
And when I have something worthwhile showing..I will post a video update.
For now, I need to get some sleep, it's 00:20 where I am, and I have to get up for school at 7:30
I have a lot of work to do!
I have made a brand new submarine type things and currently working on a metal/robotic shark!
This WILL BE my final idea.
Left it up on my Macbook, come back 10 minutes later and my brother done some editing to it..
By editing i mean putting in a stupid picture and a shark...
Also, forget everything except the submarine, that the submarine im using
Uploaded a quick video.
Not the best quality.
Run's smooth on my Mac its just the reorder isn't to good. I will get a better one.
Not much to it ATM.
got about 20% of the menu done.
And got the robotic shark almost finished.
Still got some more to do today.
I liked your Wet Bandit idea. What made you change back?
- Jeff
If can get a good sketch on the fish then i might do the wet bandit idea.
But if the Wet Bandit idea sounds better i might do that.
Im going to see if i can sketch a fish.
Still in the starting stages of it.
Need to get some more graphics done to really start on the level.
Its is starting to come together.
And i am currently sketching the 'exploding clown fish'
GOt a quick video of it so far.
Tomorrow's Goals :
Options + Help Menu
Make enemy's recycle
Possibly Start on animation
Menu is quite crowded but i think it looks effective.
Video coming later!
Think i might continue.
Go for it. I have been watching your thread and would like to see what you finally make.
And, My 'Dog Fish' -
You move up and down to dodge fish while the fish police are chasing you.
You must collect [something] to speed up, if you do not speed up you will get caught by the police.
If you hit another fish then your speed decreases.
Also, another reason i was thinking about pulling out was because i don't have much time.
But tomorrow is the last day on school so i will be able to get on with the app. I will have much more time to finish the app while having good graphics.