Mrshoestore $$ TOTB3.Thread

it's 2:40am my time. I stayed up watching SuperCop on Netflix, waiting for the theme to be announced (it's what the cool kids do). I wanted to know what it was before I went to sleep, so that incase it was some weird abstract theme, I could have a chance to stew over it as I slept. But alas! The theme fits not 1, but 2 project ideas I had in mind. And they are pretty fantastic... to a point where I'm probably not talented enough to do them justice.
But now the problem is... which do I go with??
Each has it's +'s and -'s... and hassles. What I think I may to is attempt a quick prototype of each, and then go from there.
I'm probably going to be really bad at updating this thread along the way... but I'll do my best.
In the mean time.... I've got to start thinking how I'm going to be able to write and record Swedish Power Metal....
But now the problem is... which do I go with??
Each has it's +'s and -'s... and hassles. What I think I may to is attempt a quick prototype of each, and then go from there.
I'm probably going to be really bad at updating this thread along the way... but I'll do my best.
In the mean time.... I've got to start thinking how I'm going to be able to write and record Swedish Power Metal....
Good luck!
This is a party.
The best,
So I'm looking at other people's threads... "Imma do this this and this. artwork, DONE. Music, DONE. Menu, DONE."
Me? pshhhh... phyea, I've done work. Like, for instance, I've decided to go with my game concept A rather than game concept B! Take that Competition!
@old_kipper. I hope your game actually has Norwegian Black Metal in it, because that is a game I want to play. For mine, I've actually decided to go with a mix of Power Metal and 80's Hair... done 16-bit. I'll have to channel my spirit-animal JBJ to guide me.
@Metronome. Look! I did it! YEA!
But, I'm hoping to have to workings of a prototype, and hopefully with that and the idea, I can still stay in the running for Best Originality or something.
So…. On to the Idea??… On to the idea.
The theme is Ocean. So I decided to go with the classic "Fish out of Water" story, by literally having a fish out of water.
You are Gary… the Fish, on a mission to stop a Top Secret Military Cargo Plane from reaching it's destination. But in your attempt to take over the plane, the pilots detonate the self destruct, forcing Gary to grab the last parachute and jump out of the plane, becoming:
Skydiving Halibut Forever is a sort of top-down vertical shooter, sans the shooting (most of the time).
As you fall through the sky, you must dodge plane debris, broken propellers, hungry Albatross, Fighter Jets, Pilots with machine guns, and Zeppelins dropping bombs.
As you narrowly dodge flying debris, you build up your combo meter until you reach max power, which lets you clear the skies of hazards.
Collect Crates to use Top Secret Military Technologies
Shields, Sonic Blasts, Gun Arms, And Robot Laser Eyes.
So here's where I am at so far. The only art I have done is my cloud BG layers, but I'm using 3 different layers parallax scrolling to give it a really nice effect. I've just got to figure out how to get rid of a problem with lines. Because the layers are set to screen, even if I over lap the layers to prevent a gap, then I still get a line from the overlap…
I have the player movement set, and all the enemy movements and spawning set (still have to adjust timers). Next is to work out the crate spawning, the power-up effects, the combo system, scoring, and power meter.
And art.
And sound.
And menu and title and and and….
So a lot left to go in a busy upcoming week, so hopefully I'll have a little something to show for you guys.
Either way, I will still have the beginnings of a pretty sweet game in the works!
What do you think?