Giacomo's TOBT3 Thread
Here I am trying to participate at my first game contest!
Lets see how long I can last without getting bored of the game I am making!
I have decided to participate in this contest, even though I only have two weeks to get the game finished (I'm going away on holiday).
I will be updating this post with my progress in the next two weeks.
...Planning time!
Lets see how long I can last without getting bored of the game I am making!
I have decided to participate in this contest, even though I only have two weeks to get the game finished (I'm going away on holiday).
I will be updating this post with my progress in the next two weeks.
...Planning time!
Here is a quick sketch i just made with my ipad:
My Idea:
The game starts off at the bottom of the ocean, with tha a submarine ready to shoot. The aim of the game is to shoot the torpedo as far as you can with the fuel supplied. you have to be careful of the obstacles you find along the way which can slow you down. When the torpedo touches the bottom of the sea again, you end the "day" and collect points for upgrades. The more upgrades you have, the faster you will go. The game end when your torpedo manages to reach the enemy ship (which, believe me, is far away).
It's very hard to describe, so i will show you a video as soon as i get a bit of the gameplay going!
@Metronome49 yeah, will take some time though.
I'm currently working on the "launching" of the torpedo. Having a really simple but annoying problem with the power meter :P I'm hoping to finish the launching and all the physics for the game by tonight. Still a prototype so far!
I have finished all the "launching" section of the programming and have completed nearly all the physics for the game! I will have to make adjustments later when i have the graphics because it is really hard to get it right without actually looking at the completed game.
This is the plan of what i will be doing in the next couple of days:
1)Work out the scoring system
2)Program the end of each "day" (times tried the game)
3)Prototype the result's scene (where you view your results at the end of each trial)
4)Prototype the upgrading scene (where you upgrade your torpedo to make it go faster and more resistent)
5)Create obstacles and layout of game (ocean/air/ground)
6)prototype the final scene (An animation of the torpedo sinking a ship. This happens when you win!)
7) Get a video for you to see the prototype of the game and it's gameplay.
8) Graphics & sounds time!
9) optimising graphics, sounds, & programming
10) final gameplay video!
I have probably missed tonns of steps which i will discover later on! :P
@kapser Thanks
See you all monday!
EDIT: Also make sure the gradient on the blue thing lines up with the gradient on the missile.
I won't add the number because it would be nearly impossible to see in the game. (it is going to be really small).
Good luck
@kipper yeah, I did originally add a propellor... but when i reduced the size it started looking like something not really appropriate... :P
I think i will avoid that!
I'll soon upload a video of the progress i am making
i should change that;)
oh and maybe it's a nice effect if there are bubbles coming out of the torpedo;) (in the game)
I'll surely participate next time!
I was looking forward to see what you had!
Well see you next time