Metronome49... TOTB3

Aaaargh..... I can not think of a worse theme for me personally. I'm already working on a game that fits the themE but it is out of the realm of the contest. I wanted to use this as a way of getting AWAY from this concept and quickly churning something out, but now, it's within what I was working with... So...
I will create a new idea. Also ocean based, but to an abstracted idea. Hmmm...
I will create a new idea. Also ocean based, but to an abstracted idea. Hmmm...
I love me some pixel art, but I can churn out scanned linear and coloring like nobodies biz...
A game idea might help...
Having a dev thread, is both great and scary, because I know any ideas will be viewed and considered... Just as I am viewing and considering all of yours...
Not considering stealing your ideas, but consideration in to trumping them.
I know, from my creative experience, that I will not take the obvious solution.
Great. Theme. Really.
Lots of possibilities for different gameplay... Couldn't have been worse for my psyche. BUT! I will prevail... Already starting to tie some of my passions in to an idea... Gameplay... Not sure yet... But, I think personality is half the battle... Kinda like knowing.
I will be making all original music and sound effects, 1000% on my iPad... Which will be a blast.
My favorite part of the ocean?... The deep.
I. Am. Bubbling.
This is just what I needed.
Game dev as a game.
The video game I'm playing right now, is making a game.... And I'm good at video games.
The light exists in the deep, and I got some revelations to find.
Drunk, I have figured out the game to be. I'll shall assess tomorrow whether the idea is still as good as I find it today.
Game mechanic... (redacted)
I cant think of a simple twitch game that plays with the mechanic I'm thinking of... And the personality and music I add... Could be a good game.
cheers kipper
One question...
How do you play... When you can't see?
Aaaaa. This is fun.
The journey is the achievement.
I already had Henry's eye... Gave it to that old lady who had that jar for trade... She died soon afte.... Oh....
Yeah... Good thing I got rid of that! Jar FTW!
Tonight, I sketch... And think of what must be done... Tomorrow, I figure out how to do it...
Can we still ask for help?
Can't wait to see what you are preparing!
I'm sure you'll come up with some new oceanish stuff
The idea was:
You're a deep sea angler fish with big scary teeth and a glowing ball coming from your head, and you have to eat glowing things to keep your light on, and avoid bad things, which decrease your light. You die when your light goes off.
I was trying to make a full black screen in front of everything that slowly gained alpha as time went on and changed alpha based on eating glowing things. It just didn't look right though.
I might find something else to do with my concept art assets.