artonskyblue TOTB3 Thread
Hey guys!
In this thread I will show the stages of development of my entry for the TOTB3 contest.
I won't be able to do much until the 23rd, so for now its just brainstorming!
I'll let you know my ideas and post videos/screenshots along the way.
Good luck everyone!
In this thread I will show the stages of development of my entry for the TOTB3 contest.
I won't be able to do much until the 23rd, so for now its just brainstorming!
I'll let you know my ideas and post videos/screenshots along the way.
Good luck everyone!
Lazy Fish
This fish needs to get back to his home, but is way too lazy to swim. You can help by drawing lines along the way so the fish can slide his way home.
Im also trying to add something similar to the bumpy road mechanics, so the ground will change based on where your finger is as another way to help the fish get home.
Im trying to keep the design as simple and clean as possible.
I'll add a video once I have a working prototype.
Here is a video showing a quick demo I made for the bumpy road mechanics. it's in very early stages, so obviously it will work more smoothly in the final product
Since the fish can't swim, this is one way for the user to guide the fish when he is in danger. At some times the fish will need a small jump (ex. to avoid getting eaten by a shark), so in that case the user will touch the ground beneath the fish to give him that small jump. At other times, there will be no ground at all, so the user will need to draw lines so the fish can slide his way through.
Let me know what you think
I have added a graphic for all of the ground actors instead of using rectangles. You will also see the new smooth drawing system, which the user will use to make curves to help the fish slide.
Next step is to create this lazy fish. I'm horrible at graphics, and have never really created graphics before, but for a contest like this I thought i'd give it a shot.
So here is a very undeveloped version of my fish (Don't make fun guys
Great concept for a game, and love the title
Again guys, sorry for the bad art
In this video, I have added moving waves at the top as well as clouds in the sky. The fish will actually be able to jump outside of the water to collect power-ups, and then will make its way back down and into its small little wagon.
Heh, this fish is so fat that he cant even fit in his own wagon...ill have to do something about that lol.
Next is to try to add animation to the fish! This is definitely something new to me, so we'll so how it goes.
looking forward to you're next update;)
I have just updated my gs icon to promote my TOTB3 entry
Everything done so far was light work, serious work will gonna start after the 23rd of June.
Also, I have the perfect soundtrack for this game! It's gonna be awesome!
I need to think of things that add a challenge to the game. Right now im think of a health bar, where you need to eat fish in order to keep your health up. The dangerous fish will hurt your health, while the small and innocent ones that you are able to eat will raise your health.
Just some of the power ups:
-ability to drag fish anywhere on the screen to collect as many fish as possible and to avoid getting hurt.
-super bounce: allows you to bounce much higher whn colliding with the ground, so high that you go above sea level and collect extra points.
-x2: collect double the points for every fish you collect, bounce, etc
-magnetic: all of the "good" fish and coins will come right your way for a period of time.
In order to avoid major performance issues, this game will be built for the mac platform. Im not planning on sending it to the mac app store though, i just want to have some fun with this.
Before doing anything else, i want to make sure i have the physics working perfectly so that is my next step.
I just did my first animation guys! Probably the simplest animation ever (Blinking, hah!) but its still an animation! Check it out:
This is what I love about these contests, they let me try new things.
A sneak peak at the menu:
first of all good idea. I saw youre Image (A sneak peak at the menu). Do you have a solution to rotate the player whit the ground?
I have a similar ground like you. But my Actor doesnt rotate.
- Thanks for help
I wasn't able to work on it for a while. It turns out im leaving for vacation earlier than expected, so I had a bunch of other work to get done. I'll have to try my best to get as much done as possible by the deadline.
Here's a small video update of some more stuff I added. The physics are currently WAY off as you can see, but you get the idea.
Its stil in early stages, and I have yet to figure out how im going to make it into a full functional game with enemies, obstacles, etc
Will spend the next days finishing up.
There will be different methods to get this lazy fish home. The one shown in this video is a sneak peak of a sliding method similar to tiny wings.
Still am in very early stages and have a lot of work to do if i want to get it done in time. No sleep tonight or 2morrow night.. i will try to finiah up and then create my video submission
Making final touches then will put a video together and upload.