11clock's TOBT3 Thread

11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
edited November -1 in Conferences and Events
Ocean theme...difficult to come up with an ocean-themed game that's original...

I'll try to do my best with this contest. I really don't like the theme, though. There's too many ocean games out there. :/

In this thread I'll post details on my progress of my game for the competition.


  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Thought of an idea for a game. Unlike most ocean games, this one is horror-themed. I call it "Haunted Blue."

    It's pretty much a survival game where you play as a fish. You are deep in the ocean and swim across a haunted area. Here, it's very dark and frightening obstacles are trying to kill you.

    Haunted Blue is a high score game. You must survive the dark depths for as long as possible. There is a twist, though. The screen will flicker to black a lot, and whenever this happens, obstacles will appear out of nowhere. For example, the screen will flicker to black and when you can see again, there will be mines everywhere and you must get out of the way before they explode! The obstacles appearing when it's dark will add suspense to the game, never knowing what's next.

    All obstacles will give you a chance to move out of the way when you can see, so you won't die unexpectedly in the dark.

    Ideas for obstacles (so far):

    -Timed mines
    -Skeletal fish that will swim across the screen (can be seen poking out of the sides of the screen when the darkness fades)
    -Ghost ship that shoots at you
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    More information on this project!

    So far no actual programming has been done, but thanks to some help on here I have a good idea on how to do the controls.

    As stated above, the obstacles only spawn when the screen is pitch black, to make it seem that they come out of nowhere. That does not mean that the obstacles can spawn on top of you and kill you unfairly. All obstacles will only be harmful after the darkness clears a little (unless the obstacles are still there when it becomes dark again). When the screen turns pitch black, you'll know that something is about to come up. When you can see again, look around for anything that wasn't there before and avoid it at all costs!

    More ideas for obstacles:

    -Black fish that dart at you
    -Giant angler (This one will definably give you a fright!)
    -Ghost sharks
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    I can't get the player-controlled fish's "touch to move to that location" to work properly. I'm going to have to find another control method if this continues to not function.
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    The controls finally work correctly! Pretty simple controls. Just tap somewhere and the fish will go there. You can also tap somewhere else while the fish is still moving and it will change directions.

    The next task will be to make the flashing darkness that spawns the obstacles.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    like the horror idea :)

    post screenshots when you can!
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Progress will have to speed up, or I'll have to enter an unfinished game into the competition.

    Anyways, the main mechanics of the game are complete. I have the darkness flashing working and it's set up to spawn a random obstacle. I just need to set up the score system, add some more obstacles, and make a simple menu and the game will be complete, for the most part.
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Posting more progress!

    The game is being sped up in development, sadly. Blame my busy schedule over the past few weeks! :(

    Anyways, I made 4 of the obstacles and they work great! The black fish have been modified due to something I couldn't figure out how to do. The ghost shark idea has been scrapped. The last obstacle to program in is the angler fish. This will be one of the most deadly obstacles!

    After this obstacle is programmed, I'll get the score set up and make it so you can actually lose. Then I'll make a arcadeish menu ("Tap Screen"). The contest entry will be different from the full version in that it will have no instructions on how to play in the menu and there won't be a key for the obstacles. This is because they aren't really necessary for a video footage of the gameplay(assuming that and a description is all we need to submit and not the actual game itself).
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    All 5 obstacles programmed! Realized that the stem of the angler fish wasn't very good with the collision box, so I got rid of it and changed the fish to a made up creature called the Ancient Dweller. It spawns at your height and moves incredibly fast!

    Now for the first screenshot! Yes, the graphics suck. However, I'm not aiming for the best use of audio and graphics prize.


    For some reason the scene lit up when I took the screenshot. The game is actually much darker than that.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    I really like your pixel art. I think it looks well cool so would be happy with it. good luck

  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    The controls have been perfected! There are 2 ways to control the fish. You can tap somewhere on the screen and the fish will go there (good for dodging), or you can drag your finger around and the fish will always follow where it is (good for maneuvering through tight spots). You can also do both at the same time! This makes the controls a lot more flexible. :)

    Anyways, the competition build of the game is finished. I will submit my entry soon!
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    The game has been submitted to the contest! Check the stickied page for the entry!

    Good luck to everyone else with the competition!
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