ok so i have a character and i have it set to move up at 200 how do i make it so it speeds up to 300 and keeps ging depending on how long your playing?
NextGan's idea will be just fine if your actor is set to non-movable. Just make sure your timer is not to fast. The faster it fires, the worse the performance (less then 1/2 a sec).
Hah no worries. I just wanted to check the accelerate behavior because it sounded right in my head, but I didn't want to send you down a hallway I've never been before.
Create an attribute (integer) called speed - 200
Timer - Every 3 (change as you'd like) seconds change attribute game.speed to game.speed + 15(change as you'd like)
Instead of having the actor move up at 200, have it move up at the attribute game.speed
-----------------Option 1-----------------
Set Actors Speed to 200
Direction -> 90
Acceleration 10 (low acceleration)
-----------------Option 2-----------------
New Attribute: Speed = 200
New Attribute Timer
Direction -> 90
Speed -> Speed+(game.timer/10)