Advice for every indie developer
Hello fellow developers,
I would like to talk with you about game developing. I'm sure that you already noticed new reviews on TouchArcade: "A Long Way Home" by Jon, and "D-Capitatrix" by Gamesmold. Two great games.
But what they have in common? They are unique. Both games have unique gameplay. And that's why you can read their reviews on TA.
Many of us wants just to make money. But you won't make them with cheap rip offs. You won't beat Angry Birds with Angry Birds clone. We should make more unique games - that's the only way to make a bestseller.
I heard that some of you are disappointed with your sales (I don't want to give names, but you know if I'm talking about you). There is a very simple reason - you are not creative. The most successful game made with GS is "Secret of Grisly Manor" by Joe. He made something great - he made a casual point&click adventure game, when there were only hardcore adventure games in the App Store. Copying his idea won't give you quick, and big money. Copying Jon's idea won't do it either.
Just go and think something new, and unique (or just a unique way to present an old idea). That's the only way to make money.
Just my 2 cents.
I would like to talk with you about game developing. I'm sure that you already noticed new reviews on TouchArcade: "A Long Way Home" by Jon, and "D-Capitatrix" by Gamesmold. Two great games.
But what they have in common? They are unique. Both games have unique gameplay. And that's why you can read their reviews on TA.
Many of us wants just to make money. But you won't make them with cheap rip offs. You won't beat Angry Birds with Angry Birds clone. We should make more unique games - that's the only way to make a bestseller.
I heard that some of you are disappointed with your sales (I don't want to give names, but you know if I'm talking about you). There is a very simple reason - you are not creative. The most successful game made with GS is "Secret of Grisly Manor" by Joe. He made something great - he made a casual point&click adventure game, when there were only hardcore adventure games in the App Store. Copying his idea won't give you quick, and big money. Copying Jon's idea won't do it either.
Just go and think something new, and unique (or just a unique way to present an old idea). That's the only way to make money.
Just my 2 cents.
Touchy subject and I would have to say that I both agree and disagree with you on this topic. There is no doubt that coming up with a new and unique idea will propel you to financial success if you hit the right chord, but that doesn't guarantee it. Sometimes these unique ideas fall flat on their face as well.
On the other side of the coin I have seen lots of people eek out a living making clones. And to be honest, if they are good clones, there is nothing wrong with that.
And in my years in the software development industry, imitation is not just rampant, but also very profitable.
I get the gist of what you are getting at but I don't think it is totally correct, but that is just MHO.
Started with GS in February and due to my inexperience with both the software and making any sort of game (other than one of those pick a number, pick a colour paper things) i felt it worth spending some money on some templates to do two things.
1. create a clone of a game with a proven track record
2. learn from it, rather than just reuse it, break it down and put it back together in a new blank project.
Since Feb, i have two game now on the appstore which are clones of games and which i can honestly say are not my proudest work, but I'm proud of my accomplishment regardless of those facts.
I sell 1-2 of each app per day and I'm happy with that, if i can get 10 games selling 1-2 a day each id be even happier, that extra money to me and my wife would be great, whilst this is still a hobby the money i get in return doesn't have to be much its all a bonus.
What i have also found is that by learning more about the software and reading what this massive community here has to offer i have begun to get some good ideas for original games, i'm not convinced they are going to make me rich, but one of them eventually will be worth something (fingers crossed)
I hope my insight into poor sales gives someone else some hope